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Windows 7 Connect Problems / ENG

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Windows 7 Connect Problems / ENG Empty Windows 7 Connect Problems / ENG

Post  Admin Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:54 pm

Before you follow the recommendations below, restart the computer.

- Launcher downloads the update, and then declares that the need to download again, and this continues indefinitely,
- Or autoupdate hangs in the middle who have not completed until the end,
- Or launcher downloads updates, but then an error "Files access denied",

try the following:
- Disable caching of files. If the files are cached on your computer, then it is your ISP. Call those. support and ask them to disable caching of files from the site mu.obsession.lv. Also, please clear your cache of Internet Explorer on your computer.
The main menu "Tools" -> menu item "Options" -> tab "General" -> Button "Delete Files"
- Run the launcher with the key /altupd (like this: Launcher.exe /altupd).
1. Create a shortcut to the launcher (Launcher.exe), for example on the desktop. Or use an existing one.
2. Open the shortcut properties and on the tab "Shortcut" append to the end of the line "/ALTUPD" (without the quotes). Do not forget the space character before the slash.

Windows 7 Connect Problems / ENG Qr71o1c7o1n9mmef146
- Disable the firewall on the upgrade.
- Disable antivirus on the upgrade.
- Ensure that your user (under which you are logged in) have permission to write to the folder with the game and the right to change the files in it. Typically, the rights are missing, if you installed the game on the system disk by an administrator and try to upgrade by logging as normal user. In Windows Vista and Windows 7 in any case do not install the game on the system partition, install it on another disk. Also remove the attribute "Read Only» (read only) on all files in a folder with the game.

Posts : 64
Join date : 2010-08-16


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